Good practice guides

Promising practice for inclusive teaching and learning

Author: Wendy Green (2011)
‘Promising practices’ are teaching practices that enable all students to become active confident learners. The literature on this topic stresses that there is no single set of practices that will be effective with every student.

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Good practice report: Learning and teaching across cultures

Authors: Betty Leask and Jan Wallace, Australian Learning and Teaching Council (2011)
This report provides an overview of good practices which were developed through ALTC projects and fellowships.

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People behind the research

Betty Leask

Pro Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning

La Trobe University

ALTC National Teaching Fellow: ‘Internationalisation of the Curriculum in Action’, awarded by the Australian Government 2010

T: +61 3 94796052

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Journal of Studies in International Education
HONORARY VISITING FELLOW: Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) Università Cattolica del Sacre Cuore, Milan
WINNER: IEAA 2015 Excellence Award for Distinguished Contribution to International Education
WINNER: EAIE 2016 Tony Adams Award for Excellence in Research